
undefined Maksim Vadimovich Riz'ye
Surname Vadimovich Riz'ye
First name Maksim
Pseudonym Max Rizie
생년월일 09.04.1998
Age-group 1998
Size 172
Nationality Ukraine
Position 미드필더,Attacking midfielder
Club FC Košice
A-National player no
홈페이지 -
조회수 18223

Info: Characteristic: - preferred position left or right midfielder (№ 10 and № 8), can play midfielder (№ 6), left and right forward (№ 7, № 11), center-forward (№ 9); - high level of technical and tactical training; - very strong game on the defensive; - the right-handed person, but very well owns the left foot; - high operability; - high game discipline; - high individual speed; - high speed of thinking; - all time playing football was not received any injury; - sociable; - studies well at school; - well understands English. (Fremdangabe)

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