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Club Bolívar
Soccer Association Football Association Bolivia
Website Soccer Club Bolívar
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Other soccer talents from Club Bolívar
Paolo Andrés Alcocer Coca Rojas  |  Jaime Darío Arrascaita Iriondo  |  Carlos Bautista Saavedra  |  Jhasmany / Jhasmani Campos Dávalos  |  Diego Miguel Campos Paz  |  Jhon Carinao  |  José Ezequiel D'Angelo  |  Ronald Eguino Segovia  |  Juan Héber Farfán Rivero  |  Ronnie Allan Fernández Sáez  |  Miguel Fernandez  |  Abraham Faustino Garcia  |  Alonso Gareca Llanos  |  Diego Gabriel Issa  |  Alberto Justiniano Gonzáles  |  Carlos Mustafa Kassab Mendoza  |  Nicolás Andrés Landa Medrano  |  Damián Emanuel Lizio  |  Leandro Marcelo Maygua Ríos  |  Alejandro Mendez Chavez  |  Damir Miranda Mercado  |  José Molina  |  Ronaldo Monteiro Pedraza  |  Alejandro Leonel Morales Pinedo  |  Anderson Rafael Ordóñez Váldez  |  Juan José Orellana Chavarría  |  Romel Javier Quiñónez Suárez  |  Ronald Rea Romero  |  Ángel Ariel Ribera Guzmán  |  Edemir Rodriguez Mercado  |  Widen Rojas  |  Javier Rojas Iguaro  |  Jesús Rosas  |  Erwín Marío Saavedra Flores  |  Ricardo Sagardia  |  Miguel Gerardo Suárez Savino  |  Ellioth Alejandro Toro  |  Luis Aníbal Torrico Valverde  |  Rodrigo Vargas Touchard  |  Moisés Villarroel Angulo  |  Guillermo Viscarra Bruckner  |  Gerardo César Yecerotte Soruco

The following Players are on loan Club Bolívar

The following Players are sent on loan Club Bolívar
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